Massage Therapy Table Treatment Sessions
Needing to unwind? Swedish Relaxation is a massage that will make you feel like you are on vacation. It has long slow even strokes and it increases circulation as healing hands move across your skin to relax you with a lighter pressure, swirls twirls and long slow strokes to unwind your mind and pull the stress right out of you leaving you feeling rested, renewed and ready to handle your world again with bright eyes and your beautiful Smile. Swedish Relaxation |
Aching ligaments, pulled muscles, sciatica pain –we make these things go away as healing hands stretch, glide, and release these tensions from your muscles so you feel more like yourself. (This is a side lying session.) Prenatal Massage |
Have a trouble area needing to be tamed? Come get a Therapeutic Massage. Healing hands will use a combination of many techniques to eliminate traumatized muscle reactions and start to retrain your muscles to remember how to relax, by relieving the pressure and blockages you have, unlocking the blood and energy pathways through your body. Feeling human once more you will notice improved range of motion, and blood and energy flow as you walk out of here standing straighter, feeling lighter, refreshed, rejuvenated and refocused. Therapeutic Massage |
Comes in with a relaxation that you have never felt before. An extremely gentle slow and steady set of strokes that ignite the lymphatic system on a cellular level. It will increase the flow of your lymphatic system with in your body, which also increases your immune system. It will detoxify you and can help to reduce scar tissue, redness, edema, spider veins, post liposuction, pre & post plastic surgery along with many other things. Some people have even found it helpful in improving immune disorders, chronic sinusitis, and allergies. It has even shown to help in aiding couples attempting to become pregnant or at any stage of conception throughout the pregnancy. Lymphatic Drainage Massage |
Manuel Lymphatic Drainage Massage technique by Josie Rushing drains the lymphatic System more effectively and just as gently as other types of Lymphatic Massage. This technique will drain the edema after any surgery quicker and more productively; it will also reduce scar tissue and improve immune disorders and vein function. Manuel Lymphatic Drainage Technique by Josie Rushing |
Need to relax, don't like getting rubbed on? try a Rhythmic Relaxation Session. You lay on a warm cushioned table and are gently rocked starting from your shoulders down to your feet. You'll feel your muscles releasing, and unwinding, as you feel comforted and relaxed. Rhythmic Relaxation Session |
Healthy Improvements Healing Massage Therapy
We invite you to come let us improve your quality of life.
400 Bolivar St. #204 Sanger, Texas
Copyrighted 2024